We’re Thankful to Live, Work, and Play in Tucson

Tucson is a glorious place to live, work and play. Like all cities, we have our issues and our detractors, but on the eve of this Thanksgiving holiday, we choose to focus on Tucson’s blessings. PICOR grew its business in Tucson and remains locally owned. We are here for the long haul and believe in Tucson’s past, present and future.

We reached out to PICOR team members who had much to say when asked what about living, working and raising a family in Tucson makes them grateful. Reading this as an outsider, you may not believe Greater Tucson is a community of one million people. Finally, while there is much commonality, we’ve included each voice:

I’m thankful that after visiting family and friends, Tucson gives me a place to come back to where I won’t need a jacket, unlike Chicago. (Jeff)

Tucson is a wonderful and great place to live and raise a family.   The love and compassion people have for one another is evident in the spirit of giving and sharing, especially during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.  My family and I have been continuously blessed in so many ways since moving here some 18 years ago, which makes me very thankful to live in Tucson. Blessings to Everyone. (Estella)

I am thankful to live and raise my family in Tucson because it still has the small town feel.  I am thankful to work for PICOR, it has always felt like a second family to me. (Tina)

I am grateful for the quality of my life, my family and the people that I work with. I am also grateful for the great weather and living in Tucson. (Peter)

The sunsets, weather and small town feel. (Dana)

A network of incredibly supportive and giving people. The mountains. The notion at PICOR that business and community are inextricably linked. The ability to see 50 miles. The beautiful running weather 50 weeks out of the year. The gems of arts and culture that are becoming less hidden by the day. (Barbi)

I am thankful for the natural beauty of Tucson, the fact that it is a “little big city.” I enjoy working with a small and close-knit group of real estate professionals in this market. (Brandon)

I am thankful for life, love, family, work, friends, health and all the blessings I receive from above! (Denisse)

I’m thankful for the great schools in Tucson and the teachers who care about kids’ success. I’m thankful for generous community that gives to the citizens in need. I’m thankful Tucson is a short drive to so many great vacation places. I’m thankful for the University of Arizona and its reputation as a leader in Cancer Research. I’m thankful to work at a business that is generous to its employees and kids in need. (Greg)

I am thankful for all the wonderful people who care and step up when help is needed.  I am thankful that I am able to have my family close to me. (Eileen)

Cultural opportunities, University of Arizona, beautiful environment, access to open space, wildlife. (Tom K)

The miracles in my life have all been because I’m in Tucson. I met both my wives here, my children were born here, my parents and brother now live here and I have incredible friends most who I’ve met here. I also love the outdoors and what could be better than Tucson [for most of the year]! My work experience exceeded all my dreams and expectations. Tucson is an easy community to open doors and offer your service. It’s a growth community and you can feel good about contributing and making a difference. As our two boys are making their way in the World they seem to have good internal resources to draw from. They had great support growing up with good family friends, a good education, a friendly community, a diverse community, love and respect for the outdoors, great basketball, a strong Jewish community, what more can you ask for? (Rob G)

Great winter weather, working for a great company and raising our children near our families. (Linda)

San Xavier del Bac Mission TucsonI grew up west of Chicago and whereas I love everything about where I grew up, Tucson is my home and beyond that, is a treasure.  I feel that we are so blessed to live here and I never take it for granted.  I love the ability to ride my bike up Mt. Lemmon, go with my son and the dog for our evening walks and enjoy sunsets that are off the chart every night!  I have endless friends here who I cherish, and enjoy the company of so much.  This town has afforded me a good living, and I consider our company the very best place a person could work, I love what I do and all of the people that I do it with.  I so look forward to doing more to give back, to improve our quality of life and improve this beautiful community that we call home!! (Russ)

Community, climate and cycling. (Tom N)

I am thankful to live in a community with big town amenities and a small town feel and attitude. (Rob T)

Thank you for allowing us to count our many blessings, as we enjoy the fruits of the region and continue to seek ways to create opportunities for our associates and clients.


Photo credits: SearchNetMedia

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