By Sasha M Pardy COSTAR October 5, 2009 But Most Remain Cautious, Awaiting Confimation of Shoppers Confidence and Spending Levels…
Positive sign: Home sales inventories fall to under 6 months’ supply
By Joe Pangburn INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS August 4, 2009 In what may be one of the most positive signs yet…
Tucson apt. vacancies near 10%
By Dale Quinn ARIZONA DAILY STAR July 14, 2009 The climbing number of apartment vacancies in Tucson outpaced the nation…
Struggling Valley retailers pursue rent relief
By Max Jarman THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC July 14, 2009 Struggling Valley retailers pursue rent relief Businesses small to large seek…
Tucson Sales & Leases
AZSTARNET.COM June 30, 2009 Leases • Kleinfelder West Inc. has renewed its lease for 4,416 square feet at the Broadbent…
Tucson sales activity – 2009 to 2008 comparison
By Barbi Reuter, Principal, PICOR Commercial Real Estate, a Cushman & Wakefield Alliance Member May 8, 2009 Investment sales activity…
PICOR to manage some TMC holdings
ARIZONA DAILY STAR November 7, 2008 PICOR Commercial Real Estate Services will manage Tucson Medical Center’s non-hospital properties, which total…
PICOR joins with Cushman & Wakefield
By Joe Pangburn INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS January 4, 2008 PICOR Commercial Real Estate Services is now the exclusive alliance member…
PICOR allies with worldwide firm
By Christie Smythe ARIZONA DAILY STAR January 4, 2008 Tucson, Arizona | Published: 01.04.2008 One of the world’s biggest commercial-real-estate…
C&W | PICOR Welcomes Newest Broker, Bryce Horner
Cushman & Wakefield | PICOR’s top sale and lease transactions were of a renovated apartment complex near the university, and a fenced yard at Old West Industrial Village….