Weekly economic update from C&W – remain confident that consumers will continue to increase spending, boosting need for retail/industrial space….
Commercial Warehouse Demand Ramps Up in Ambos Nogales Trade Corridor
Demand for international trade warehouse space in Nogales, AZ is up, thanks to the Mariposa Port of Entry expansion…
Tucson: A Hotbed for Apartment Investors | Q2 Market Snapshot
Despite slow progress in job and rent growth, the Tucson apartment market is enjoying significant investor interest. Read our mid-year report….
Wind in the Retail Sails/Sales: Tucson Retail Market Update
At 2014’s midway point, the Tucson retail market continued its positive performance. Read more, as we detail the highlights for the quarter….
Consumer Spending Beginning to Accelerate | CushWake Research
Stronger employment and income growth are boosting the rate of growth of consumer spending. That’s great news for the economy. Read more in C&W’s weekly economic update….
Market Minute: Briefs on the Tucson Commercial Real Estate Markets
Brief briefings on the Tucson commercial real estate sectors: Office, Industrial, Retail & Multifamily Q2 2014…
Office Market Mojo: Tucson’s is Ticking Up
Tucson office market momentum has clearly increased, with annualized office lease and sale transactions up 44.7% over 2013. Read more in our Q2 2014 report….
A Tale of Three Cities: Tucson, Albuquerque & El Paso – Guest Post
Guest research report comparing Tucson’s strengths and weaknesses to its sister cities, Albuquerque, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas…
The Arizona-Sonora Region: Global Advantage and More
Update on the Sonora, Mexico commercial real estate environment and efforts promoting the Arizona-Sonora Region…
Top 10 Efficiency Apps For Commercial Real Estate Professionals
In this News Funnel guest post, read picks for the top 10 efficiency apps geared toward the commercial real estate profession…