INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS By: Roger Yohem June 15, 2012 When New York-based commercial real estate developer Rockefeller Group entered the…
What Mad Men Should Know About Office Operating Expenses
Mad Men aren’t the only ones looking at building costs. Read about Tucson office operating expenses and delinquency trends….
Mexican Shoppers Pump $1 Billion into Tucson Economy
BIZTUCSON By: Michael Serres June 13, 2012 The motor coaches from Sonora pulled into Tucson in the wee hours, jammed…
Mid-Year Economic Assessment: Tucson’s recovery having trouble staying in gear
INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS By: David Hatfield June 8, 2012 The Tucson region’s economic recovery is trying to stay in gear…
Tucson: Where Solar, Optics and Innovation Shine
Tucson demographic overview with the latest statistics & rankings for the state’s second largest city, home to solar, optics, aerospace, and leisure…
Port of Tucson goes global, to ship directly to China
INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS By: Roger Yohem June 1, 2012 By December, the Port of Tucson’s $19 million rail system expansion…
Commercial Real Estate and Investment in Sonora, Mexico
Forum on commercial real estate and investment in the state of Sonora, Mexico highlighting opportunities to locate and invest there…
Tucson Luxury Student Housing Construction Booming
ARIZONA DAILY STAR BY: Carli Brosseau May 27, 2012 If all goes as planned, more than 2,700 university students will…
Tucson is at the ‘T’ crossroads of global logistics opportunity
INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS By: Roger Yohem May 25, 2012 Major international cargo corridors literally converge to form a “T” on…
Prime Tucson Retail Corner Announces Four Tenants
INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS By: Roger Yohem May 18, 2012 Four retailers, anchored by Tucson’s first 50,000-square-foot Hobby Lobby, will move…